Tuesday, May 26, 2015

School Update-A Change of Course: Emerson Theological Institute

School Update-A Change of Course:  Emerson Theological Institute

Hi Everyone,

As soon as I started this journey for a nontraditional approach to education, I decided to change schools.  I think that the University of Sedona is excellent, but I needed a bit more structure.  As fate would have it, I came across Emerson Theological Institute.  It is a pretty well established New Thought seminary, but I can also earn a PhD in Religious Studies.  After listening to some of the lectures from the Great Courses, I am definitely learning a lot.  ETI is also familiar with Dr. Johnnie Coleman and JCTS, and the classes that I take at JCTS will transfer to ETI.  I am required to do 900 hours of education and to write either a book or dissertation for my final project to graduate.  It is still the nontraditional self-paced approach, but this is definitely more of what I needed.  I am so happy to be pursing this journey.  I have enjoyed learning all that I have thus far, and I look forward to continuing my studies and writing short articles.  I will continue to listen to the Great Courses lectures and writing related articles, because it is all part of the learning process.  I have gotten a lot a good feedback a few of the articles thus far, particularly the one on Africa.  Thank you for the support!




  1. YaY :: Great opportunity :: Don't quit there :: you can achieve greatness by getting Seven Ph.d's and becoming A top rank educated Lady because a highest is just Six :: a being a dinosaur is also great as long as you become President to :: Just remind yourself with great power comes great responsibilites and with Seven Ph.d's Kristy you becoming president will be al to easy :: don't let no get in any way of your dream's :: just check on him once and a while dean ::

  2. An another question if mother's create people or give birth to chilldren:: Genesis says God creates all heavens and earth and everything upon it :: does it make sense to say God or Lord or Just an Almighty spirit is more closer to a women or a lady :: So why would mankind bring down earth by putting lies upon ladies as to religion and culture by saying our closest being to God is evil :: Eve coold not have created evil :: after you get your Ph.d I would love to be educated :: did a slave owner write a bible or something, bye

  3. An one more thing, There are 10,000 small cities in america with only 1,000 people and to give there small city full employment, everyone has a job at 10$ a hour :: it would only be 20 million a year :: so grants or just good fundraising would be great :: I want you to use it for your campaign chances :: I have already forwarded your name to Hillary Clinton and she will be using your name as a purposal intuit for a plan to undue unemployment :: well here is your headstart:: nows your chance to be a great leader for in which you deserve :: have a great life, bye :: i also some how created 24 kt gold well at least 60% anyway :: trying to end mass lady suffering :: if i get thru with it I'll make sure to put your name under there credits :: have a good one , may god be with you :: global girl
